Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
Pad Sést Ekki Sćtari Mey
Thad lenti í drćtti, - It was quite a delay
Ad módir mín mig ćtti, - When my mother had me
Thvi hún var svo gískid grey. - But then she's such a slender sort
En lćknrinn var sóttur, - The doctor was fetched
Og loksins ól hún dóttur, - And finally her daughter was born
Og thád sést ekki sćtari mey. - And none had ever seen a sweeter girl
En pabbi var sjaálfur, - My father spent usually
á sjónum alltaf hálfur, - His time at sea half-drunk
Svo hann gat ekki lengur sagt nei. - But he could not deny me
Fyrst var hann mjög sleginn, - At first he was rather shocked
En seinna sagdi hann feginn. - But then he said, relieved
Ad thad sést ekki sćtari mey. - None shall ever see a sweeter girl
Sćtari mey, - Such a sweet girl
Sćtari mey, - Such a sweet girl
Nei thad sést ekki sćtari mey. - There is no sweeter girl
Og fyrr en mig vardi, - Before I knew it
Hver strákur á mig stardi, - Every boy would gaze at me
Eins og stelpur á gleym-mér-ei. - As girls gaze at Forget-Me-Nots
Their fóru ad skjálfa, - They'd shiver
Og sögdu vid sig sjálfa, - And say to themselves
Hún er sorglega stygg, - She's hard to get -
En mjóg trygg, ad ég hygg, - But very loyal, I think
Og thad sést ekki sćtari mey. - And there is no sweeter girl
Ég lćrdi i bernsku, - I learned quite early
Ad blikkaá finni ensku, - To speak proper English
Og min söngrödd var sweet and gay. - And my song was sweet and gay
En vestur á landi, - But while out west
ég lenti í hjónabandi. - I stumbled into marriage
Thad er sorglegt fyrir sidprúda mey - It was sad for such a nice girl
Hann lagdi í sinn vana, - He was used to
Ad elska* Ameríkana, - Loving American girls
Svo ég kyssti hann og sagdi OK. - So I kissed him and said OK
En illt var í efni, - Then I discovered deceit
Hann var ódamála í svefni, - When he spoke in his sleep
Og thá reyndist hann, - And I found out
Ramm islenskt grey. - He was very Icelandic after all
Islenskt grey, - Just a poor Icelander
Islenskt grey, - Just a poor Icelander
Sem ásćdist islenska mey. - Who wanted an Icelandic girl
En nú er önnur öldin, - Everything has since changed
ég dansa kát á kvöldin, - Now I go dancing every night
Og thiy kalla mig gleym-mér-ei. - And boys call me Forget-Me-Not
Og piltarnir their skjálfa, - And they shiver
Their segja vid sig sjálfa, - They say to themselves
Nei, thú setydir mér blossandi ást. - No, you send me currents of love
Thvílíkt hnoss! - Such luck!
Thvi thad sést ekki sćtari mey. - Since there is no sweeter girl.
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
I can not live
Peacefully without you
For even a moment
I miss you terribly
When you're away
He's away
This ain't right
I'm alone
I'm taking an aeroplane
Across the world
To follow my heart
How come
Out of all the people in the world
Only one
Can make me complete
One word on the phone
Makes me happy
But one touch directly
Makes me estatic
He's away
This ain't right
I'm alone
I'm taking an aeroplane
Across the world
To follow my heart
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
Alarm Call
I have walked this earth
And watched people
It doesn't scare me at all
I can be sinsere
And say I like them
It doesn't scare me at all
You can't say no to hope
Can't say no to happiness
I want to go on a mountain-top
With a radio and good batteries
And play a joyous tune and
Free the human race
From suffering
It doesn't scare me at all
I'm no fucking buddhist
But this is enlightenment
The less room you give me
The more space I've got
It doesnt't't't scare me at all
You can't say no to hope
Can't say no to happiness
It doesn't scare me at all
I want to be on a mountain-top
With a radio and good batteries
And play a joyous tune and
Free the
A-human race
From suffering
It doesn't scare me at all
This is an alarm-call
So wake-up, wake-up now
Today has never happened
And it doesnt't't't frighten me
It doesn't scare me at all
You can't say no to hope
You can't say no to happiness
It doesn't scare me at all
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
All Is Full Of Love
You'll be given love
You'll be taken care of
You'll be given love
You have to trust it
Maybe not from the sources
You have poured yours
Maybe not from the directions
You are staring at
Trust your head around
It's all around you
All is full of love
All around you
All is full of love
You just aint receiving
All is full of love
Your phone is off the hook
All is full of love
Your doors are all shut
All is full of love!
All is full of love
All is full of love
All is full of love
All is full of love
All is full of love
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
All Neon Like
Not 'til you halo all over me
I'll come over
Not 'til it shimmers 'round your skull
I'll be yours
I weave for you
The marvellous web
Glow in the dark threads
All neon like
The cocoon surrounds you
Embraces all
So you can sleep
And they will assist us
'Cause we're asking for help
And the luminous beam
It feeds you,
Henh-yeah!, henh-yeah
The soft distortion
Fills you up
Nourish nourish
Your turtleheart
And they will assist us
'Cause we're asking for help
And the luminous beam
It feeds you
Henh-yeah!, yeah!
Don't get angry with yourself
Don't, don't get angry with yourself
I'll heal you
With a razorblade
I'll cut a slit open
And the luminous beam
Feeds you honey, heals you
Don't get angry with yourself
I'll heal you, i'll heal you
Luminous, i'll heal you
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
Alta Mira
Eitt sinn tok eg tali gamlan totralegan mann
Eg var a vappi nidri vid hofn
A bryggjunni stod hann
Hann sagdi mer fra landi einu
Langt af leid pad er
Og nu er eins og etthvad hafi brostid inni mer
Alta mira aevintyralandid er
Alta mira pangad hugurinn mig mer
Alta mira aevintyralandid er
Alta mira pangad hugurinn mig ber
Sa gamli sagdi mer par solin saegraen
Vaeri a lit I sjonum spekinginslegar syntu kyrnar
Ut a hlid Hann seli sa i singleik i silfurtitum skom
Um torgin toltu tifaelur i kjolfotum med blom
Alta mira aevintyralandid er
Alta mira pangad hugurinn mig mer
Alta mira aevintyralandid er
Alta mira pangad hugurinn mig ber
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
I'll pick you
I'll take you
I admit
He said
I did it
I'll play the fool
But, I told
And undo
And say, undo
I say
And will
And we all
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
An Echo A Stain
She touched
My arm
And smiled
One of these days
Very soon
Love you 'til then
Love you 'til then
Feel my breath
On your neck
And your heart
Will race
Don't say no to me
You can't say no to me
I won't see you
I'm sory you saw that
I'm sory he did it
An echo
A stain
A stain
I can't say no to you
I can't say no to you
Say nothing
Free falling
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
The glacier head
Looking hard for
Moments of shine
From twilight
To twilight
Utter mundane
Goddess sparkle
Shoot me
Beyond this suffer
The need
Is great
Utter mundane
Goddess sparkle
A mountain shade
Suggests your shape
I tumbled down
On my knees
Fill the mouth
With snow
The way it melts
I wish
To melt
Into you
Utter mundane
Spark the sun off
Spark the sun off
Spark the sun off
Spark the sun off me
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
A Day Called Zero
A day called zero
Is the day we'll all relax
Mountains will tumble
With a long and heavy thump
Dust spreads on the sky
So the sun will grow pale
Oil tanks tear open
And the city livens up
A day called zero
Will be such a busy day
Whistling marches?
I'll hoover my past away
Controlling a bulldozer
I will improve my town
Stacking concrete slabs
Me and you my pluto
Will you be with me on that day?
We'll be watching and smiling
At last it's over
Nothing stops us now
Come and enter
Me let's multiply
On a day called zero
Odg: Bjork -- Tekstovi Pesama
He means tomorrow but says in a bit
And doesn't show up at all
He sets his watch to a comet's orbit
And remembers to forget to call
No courage for love
Too scared to be happy
No courage for love
Too scared to be happy
I do...don't
I do...don't
'Your place or mine?' means 'Heaven or hell'
Two addresses somewhat apart
his home's dark and spiky, her's clear as a bell
It's over before they can start
No courage for love
Too scared to be happy
No courage for love
Too scared to be happy
I do.... don't
I do.... don't
And tomorrow passed them by
And tomorrow passed them by
And tomorrow passed them by
And tomorrow passed them by
la la la la la la la...(until end)